Thousands of former post-secondary students speak out—are you listening?
BC College and Institute Student Outcomes (CISO) April 2006 update printed in its entirety (below) .
For those of you with students in grade 10-12 or students looking to transfer between post-secondary institutions now you can research your program through this online querying tool. To search for information select an institution or a program. Information on the last three years of student survey results are available for the following aspects:
- Gender, main reason for enrolling, graduation status, previous education;
- Employment status, salary, job status, relationship of job to program, usefulness of program in getting job, and usefulness & skills gained in program in performing job;
- Current activity, further studies, detail skills development & College experience;
- Student rating of: personal development & education aspects of the program & courses;
- Overall satisfaction, satisfaction with education, & program workload; and
- Job search experience, jobs obtained by National Occupation Classification (NOC).
There are also many publications available on this web site that are worth a gander through.
Thousands of former students speak out—are you listening?
What do former post-secondary students say about the institutions they attended? How do they feel about their programs of study? Were they satisfied? How many found jobs? How many went back to school? The BC College and Institute Student Outcomes (CISO) Project has designed an online reporting system that will answer these questions and many more!
The reporting system is designed for students, prospective students, parents, and education and career counsellors. It gives users fast and easy access to a wealth of outcomes information collected from BC’s former college, university college, and institute students.
Start your search today at